Giggles and More Clown Chapter Seymour Indiana

In Memory

A Tribute To Our Founder
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The Whiteface Clown
The Auguste Clown
The Tramp, Hobo, and Baglady Clown
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Here we honor those clowns who have passed on.

Marianne Green

Tammy Steele Brock

Sugar Bear
Sue Pogue

Larry Trimpe

Miz Blossum
Janet Rueter

Ta Ta
Vickie Bennett

Marianne Green was the Tramp clown, Murphy. She was commissioned with the first class held in Seymour in 1990.  She was one of 13 original members.  Murphy was very active in the clown ministry and continued to help with classes for several years.  In her later years she was active in the theatre in Jackson County and on the clergy team with Emmeus. She is survived by her mother
and family.
Tammy Steele Brock was the beautiful Whiteface clown, Skye. 
Skye was commissioned in April of 1994 and dazzled everyone with her wonderful white wig and "fairy like" costume.  Skye was part owner of a hair salon in Seymour for many years and is survived by twin daughters.
Sue Pogue was the ever loveable Auguste clown known as Sugar Bear. Sugar Bear was commissioned in March of 1992 and was voted local Clown of the Year twice. Everywhere Sugar Bear went she would say with a slight southern draw, "Hi, I'm Sugar Bear".  Sugar Bear was a fixture at the local hospital and nursing homes and was a birthday party favorite. Sugar Bear was a Christian Clown through and through and it showed in everything she did. She is survived by her husband Bob, one son, two daughters and several grandchildren.
Larry Trimpe was a crazy Auguste clown by the name of Homer.  Homer was commissioned in April on 1994 and from that time on he was like the Energizer Bunny.  Homer loved to go to the nursinghomes and visit with the elderly and go to the Bowl for Kid's and "play".  Homer was always there when a clown was needed and loved acting goofy. He was survived by his wife and family.
Janet Rueter was the zanny baglady clown, Miz Blossum.  She was commissioned in October of 1998 and from that time on was an ever faithful bundle of joy around town. Miz Blossum enjoyed visiting the nursing homes and hosptial and any place else that would allow her craziness.  She is survived by several children and grandchildren.
Ta Ta, a.k.a. Vickie Bennett, was commissioned in March of this year as a WONDERFUL whiteface clown.  She gave us the pleasure of many hours of laughter and smiles and really lived up to the title of a "life giver".  Ta Ta was a wonderful friend to many and was a great example of a "true Christian"  Ta Ta is survived by her husband of 20 years, Jo Bennett, a daughter, three sons, two step-children and several grandchildren.
She will be missed by her family, clown family and friends. We know that she is in heaven, clowning around for Jesus today!!! 

"Send in the Clowns" written and composed
 by Stephen Sondhein